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Graphic Design

As part of designing levels and games I have also designed interfaces and logos. I think that conveying clear messages through simple but effective design is a good way to create designs that work.
I enjoy creating icons and graphics and seeing what I have made in a final product.
I was recently involved in some level design work in Unreal Engine 4. The level, named Tohunga, had a brewery that required a logo and product design.
Through a process of iteration and discussion with the other members working on the level, I designed the brewery logo and the Kiwi Crush, Ninox Mix and Parea Passion beers. As the level is situated in New Zealand, I incorporated the names of native flora and fauna into the beer names, and based patterns on Maori design.
sprite sheet
I made the logo design in vector format an then made a texture sheet to export and use in Blender to produce the final render of the product.
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